21 Dec 2006

message for you

Well well.. I see that most of my blog's visitor come from other state. Some from Japan, which i only familiar with words, Ai siteru or omaewa mamoru.. ah.. i cant speak japanese.. sori mate.. n then there's also from hmm... i'm bad with geography.. Ok.. just look at my ClustrMap. You can see it yourself. Maybe you're one of the dot at the map.

Sorry for visitor from other country than Indonesia, For now i only write blog in language that more familiar for me, Indonesian. Ough... my English is bad, is it? What else then... mm... maybe if my english better, i'll write my blog in English or maybe Japan or German or Italy, French, or other languages. Let's hope that our universe not collapse or "my universe" not collapse so i can write my blog in different language. Well ... my Blog in Indonesian doesnt have much meaning in it.. It's just my thought.. so.. mm... un... ok.. bye.. i dont know what more to say.. Hope you understand my messaage..
oh.. dont forget to leave your footprint at the shoutbox. Tnx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gw kira karena yang akses itu anak itb, khan ai3.. notabene dari jepun. mungkin sih..